Srinagar, Feb 26: The National Child Development Council (NCDC) met its core committee for its latest meeting, during which the theme of health and well-being was prominent on the agenda. Members passed a resolution urging fundamental changes to make people of all generations, and especially the younger generation, return to healthy ways of living.
The resolution called for the reduction of meat intake for the purpose of encouraging a balanced diet and advocated for the practice of not taking junk food, which has lately gained popularity with the youth. The move aligns with continuing efforts to push the health and lifestyle agenda according to the Prime Minister.
Apart from promoting a healthier diet, NCDC members also expressed alarm at the rising problem of obesity, not only among children but also in all age groups. The committee highlighted that one of the main causes of ill health is the inactive lifestyle most people, particularly the younger generation, have embraced. One of the members said that young people tend not to have proper discipline when it comes to diet and sleeping patterns, with them sleeping late at night and taking unhealthy foods.
One council member Shakkila Abdul Wahab, recalled her own situation, saying sitting for extended periods due to working had caused an increase in her own weight. She laid stress on physical exercise, diet, and stress management and motivated families to include healthier foods by avoiding junk foods and fried foods. She also stressed the contribution of physical exercise in having a balanced lifestyle by suggesting easy walks and the avoidance of long periods of sitting.
Another important point that was discussed was the necessity to “unlearn” bad eating habits, especially the excessive consumption of fried foods and sugary drinks. The committee recommended that schools implement days for consuming fruits or vegetables, in order to instill healthier eating habits among children.
NCDC’s committee also spoke about the role of mental health and the need to keep stress low and have a good attitude. They suggested that greater importance should be given to exercise, yoga, and other well-being-promoting activities, as well as healthy eating.
Looking at an alarming trend, members of the committee said even young adults at the age of 28 are suffering from illnesses like heart attacks because of their lifestyle, and one member related a recent case of a young working professional who had severe chest pains after long hours of sitting while working at home.